How to : Safeguard Your Snowflake Data with a No-Code Approach

"How can you ensure that your organization’s data is not the next target of a breach attack?" This question has become increasingly common, especially in the wake of recent breaches of Snowflake customer accounts. Protecting your organization and its data requires building a culture of security and trust. At the heart of fostering this culture lies solid data security monitoring and remediations to prevent it from happening again.

According to Snowflake's recommendations, which are based on suggestions from security experts and compliance standards, enterprises are responsible for implementing security controls such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), network policies, and stringent controls for privileged service accounts. Additionally, they should establish data access controls to identify and monitor sensitive data access and data movement.

In this blog, we'll delve into how TrustLogix has been enabling enterprises to ensure continuous monitoring of their security controls as well as remediating the risk alerts generated from these controls, a critical step in protecting their business.

How TrustLogix Protects Your Enterprise Data on Snowflake

TrustLogix has been providing enterprises with the out of the box monitoring policies that govern the security controls such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) , Suspected IP’s/Applications, network policies etc. These policies help enterprises meet the necessary
DSPM capabilities to manage, assess and prevent data loss. 

TrustLogix CIS Benchmark Controls

The Centre for Internet Security(CIS) Benchmark Security Controls for Snowflake offer recommendations to secure Snowflake environments covering areas such as:

  • Detect non-MFA Users: Enterprises have been advised that users without MFA are at the high risk of getting breached. So detecting users without MFA enabled and stopping them from using the Snowflake is the regular activity.
  • Suspected IPs or Applications: Snowflake recommends detecting and preventing Suspicious IP Unauthorized Access as an essential step towards avoiding the breach.
  • Overly Granted Access: As per the Snowflake recommendation, the data security teams need to ensure that administrator roles like ACCOUNTADMIN, USERADMIN, and SYSTEM ADMIN are limited to a small set of users and should not be set as default roles to any users.
  • Network Policy: TrustLogix will also monitor and alert on user based network policy changes , inbound and outbound network rules and any network policy modifications.
  • Protecting Sensitive Data: Fine grained data protection using recommendations to protect sensitive data from being exposed to unauthorized / unentitled personas and prevent data exfiltration.


TrustLogix provides pre-built visibility controls and policies as outlined in the Snowflake CIS benchmarks as well as for monitoring data access activities.


The video below illustrates how Trust Logix out of the box monitoring policies helps you secure your Snowflake Account.


Remediating Risk Alerts from Monitoring Policies

In addition to monitoring and alerting, TrustLogix’s ability to remediate risks generated by security controls and incorrect configurations is invaluable for ensuring data security. By quickly identifying and correcting these issues, organizations can mitigate risks and prevent potential breaches. TrustLogix's remediation capabilities streamline this process, saving time and resources while maintaining a strong security posture.


Similarly, an unprotected sensitive column can be masked so that non entitled users see only masked data.



At the  behest of the recent breaches, Snowflake has issued several recommendations for data protection. TrustLogix has been offering these capabilities for enterprises through Out of the Box monitoring policies as well as remediation of the alerts. These monitoring  and policies enhance productivity by centralizing all security alerts in one place and speeding up risk remediation.  Additionally the CIS
benchmark policies help enterprises navigate compliance by providing automated configuration checks that align with critical
frameworks. Ultimately, these policies encourage a culture of experimentation and creativity within the organization by allowing for various customizations and fine-tuning.

Setup TrustLogix within 30 minutes and start gaining visibility and controlling your data immediately after setup. Get a free data security assessment on your Snowflake accounts by registering for a free 90-day data protection service.



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